Thursday, October 30, 2014
Philosopher’s Corner
Philosopher’s Corner
Reversed Thinking, Europe Owes Africa
From self perceived indicators and oral history handed down to us, Africans
in the early days of man were living without clothes, shoes and living primitive
lifestyle. In other words, Africa was an uncivilized dark continent. Historians
of Western origin have it that Africans live on trees, had no language, no
culture, no philosophy, no religion, no education, no science and to crown it
Africans are said to be baboons. Let's for the purpose of argument accept
that was how we were then when the Colonialists came in contact with the
continent of the dark skinned people, we were liberated. Though we were never
like that, development in Egypt, Oyo Empire, Benin Kingdom amongst others
proved we were years ahead of our visitors.The Europeans in their wild imagination came to give us civilization and all these things they assume we lack. Could it be that Africa was civilized but they were blind to note or they purposely closed their eyes and minds in a calculated attempt to denigrate and pull our culture, customs and traditions down and claim we never had them? Has anyone thought that the Europeans strategically halt African civilization because they realized we were far ahead of them?
Had the trend of Africa’s development been sustained, Europe may not have any opportunity to rule
the world which is their primary aim. They came in their number(s) to Africa
from all part of Europe. They force their religion and culture on us. They took
away our fast growing formal educational system in Egypt. They took away our
professors. They abolished and condemned our religion, cultures, informal
educational system, Arts, music, farm produces and to add salt to injuries,
they took away our able human resources.
African God(s) is/are not dead. Look at the wonders in the world today. Let's ask ourselves some questions. Where western civilization or globalization is taking us to now? The world fashion trend is taking us back to nakedness. The Europeans no longer worship God. They called unbelievers, today, export religion to them. How many persons there in America and Britain go to church again? Apart from Roman Catholic Church, how many European churches can one freely associate with? Go to their churches all over Europe, African pastors are leading them. We (Africans) are now the ones showing them or reminding them of their God(s).
They claimed we were moving naked earlier, unknown to our great grandparents that Europeans were jealous of their ways of life. The Europeans are now striving so hard to do what Africans were doing in the 12th centuries. One of their claims is that Africans live on trees just because our grandparents believes man must cohabit with nature. “Look at these wayo people", they made our grandparents fall almost all these trees in a bid to export as timbers, now they are crying for deforestation and climate change. They now grow trees and flowers all over their compounds and houses. Some of them even live in wooden houses, claiming its environmental friendly. Isn't that reverse thinking?
Europeans claimed Africans cannot reason, think and that we do not have minds of our own. Today, the best doctors in the world today are Africans. The best computer operator(fastest computer) in America is a Nigerian. Most of the professors in their universities today are Africans. The best brains behind software manipulations, programming and Social Medias are Africans.When African youths read wide, they would understand how Europeans underdeveloped Africa politically, economically, and socially. Over 500 years of slavery, colonialism and current day neo-colonialism, needs to be paid for. Dem must pay o. Who said they will not pay?
Amodu Murisiku Ayoku(aka: Ayo Murisiku),
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