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Wednesday, October 29, 2014


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On several platforms I have read and listened to talks, opinions and views on how the generation 'before us' have not gotten it right. The argument is premised mostly on how they have squandered the opportunity to provide a stable society despite the availability of resources and personnel at their disposal. Their involvement and participation in the machinery of administration and governance and how it shapes what we have become today as a nation and as a society is a sordid chronicle of wastefulness and avarice.

Proponents of the inclusion, involvement and participation of youths which of course in this society's scheme of things, assumes different posture and dimensions in religious set ups and political arrangements posit that at a point the onus of leadership and management of affairs of the nation will be shouldered by successive generations either it is bestowed on them willingly by the preceding generation or circumstances or time will thrust them into assumption of the mantle of leadership.

For as long as I can remember, I grew up to hear the cliché 'You are the leaders of tomorrow'. The motivation I got from my days of adolescent innocence by believing in that cliché has waned over time as reality begin to quench the zest fueled by youthful aspirations and expectant delusions.

As I grew, it dawned on me that I am bequeathed a dysfunctional society replete with diverse grades of mutual suspicion, inadequate distribution of abundant wealth, ethnic strife, class competition as well as unhealthy competition of fragmented social and economic interests. I realized the organs of government and economy is at the beck and call of those who can successfully manipulate their way to what they want by fueling varying forms of sentiments as long as it soothe their ambitions and the interests of the group they belong - ethnic or political.
Whatever factors that have led to the failure in building a society where the interest and emancipation of all and sundry have not been adequately addressed by 'THEM'. Whatever we lament today about 'THEM' and sincerely wished they would have done better, there are no indications or hope that 'WE' will do it better than THEM given the manner we engage and involve in demeaning and crass bid for opulence and power.

WE and THEM will attempt to do a thorough analysis of comparison between what is obtainable now and what was then that has led us to this quagmire that we now find ourselves. This column will attempt a wholistic comparative analysis of the attitudinal disposition of the younger generation - the leaders of tomorrow to the political, social, ethnic and economic challenges and issues that confront us everyday.
This writer acknowledge that no opinion can be totally correct when subjected to positive analytical scrutiny yet we will endeavor to discuss issues without fear or favor. Make it a date every week.

-Kriko stAugustine
Add BBN on 2BAFB965

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